TOP TEN Conspiracy Rants

Welcome to FU World View....

I have many rants about certain news, media articles and whatever else is happening in the world today. If you have a few rants I am sure we will get along great! This is a collection of news articles and Youtube, and Media Sensations that we are all subjected to through the media.

Here are my TOP TEN RANTS on Conspiracies:

1. BILL GATES. The controversy of Bill Gates specifically his rant about "Carbon Dioxide" and how the world has too many people (over nine billion) and how they are creating global warming by breathing our precious air. My rant is....did he really say this? And if he we need to lease the air over to him and rent air space? When did he become the world's leader and communicator for the NWO agenda of killing over eight million people....This is written and published on Youtube everywhere! For all of your "Conspiracy Freaks" you must know about this one!

2. BILL GATES again. He supposedly says that he wants all third world babies to be vaccinated with flu shots and other malaria shots etc...and this conspiracy states is a ploy to kill off the babies with over vaccinated toxins and....just as we start to believe that....he is ominously laughing because in another video...(Youtube) he states "then don't vaccinate your children and see what happens". So the confusion is vaccinate or not to vaccinate!!! This conspiracy is so confusing. NWO people who alert us all....which is it???

3. The STAR SIRIUS: This planet or star in the sky supposedly is (I forget) a few sizes bigger than Earth and it is near the 10th Planet past our Solar System. Pluto is gone I guess it would of been the 10th planet. It is the Planet or Star that is controlled by the Egyptian God Osiris and every 49.9 years or something (in the Quran) this Star has a twin smaller star....that does a DNA like orbit with Sirius A and Sirius B. Supposedly WE HUMANS originate from that Star. "The Star people" and we are also not really gods but only the descendants of Egyptians aresupposedly Godlike. Why don't I like this Conspiracy theory? Egyptians and Africans fight over who is more Godlike. Well...guess what. Egyptians are Middle Eastern descent in Africa. So who is really the "godlike people" Africans or Middle Easterners? lol. Aren't we only Human now?

4. THE TUNNEL: The huge underground Tunnel in Denver Colorado....leading to the Washington D.C and possibly the White House. Youtube has an amazing video on this subject. I thought it was real until I became the laughing stock at a party....when we were discussing conspiracies. WELL if there is an underground tunnel 500 feet below then keep that the Down LOW and NEVER Talk about it again!

5. AGENDA 21: Have you ever driven around and noticed how the houses have color themes that no one deviates from? Well this idea occurred to me and I wondered about the Real Estate companies when I discovered Agenda 21 when I typed on the internet about houses. They are supposedly from the UN (United Nations) and they are taking over America by lending out land to foreign countries ....because the UN stated "we were too rich". Supposedly they need to "take away our land" and rent or lease it to third world countries so they can eat and support their own country as well. IS THIS TRUE??? HELLO?

6. THE BEAUTY TRAP: Women who constantly worry about their beauty and young teens who feel like they will never measure up to the true ideal of our current beauty. Guess what? Those ads selling mascara? They are FAKE EYELASHES. Those ads selling perfect skin using Foundation? The models are wearing more than foundation as a cover! And the photos are heavily airbrushed!
As more women go crazy over trying to be beautiful....the make up companies are getting richer and richer and younger girls are wondering if they should cover their perfectly natural and flawless skin.

7. COSMETIC SURGERY: I am not completely against it. However it is interesting to note that many surgeons do not actually get the procedures themselves. Why?(not Botox or Juverderm that's a different subject).On a positive note one or two procedures might be okay. It can drastically change your face or body and be the worst mistake in your life as well. Some men will tell their women to get some work done...but time and time again...we hear the conflicting message that if a man truly loves you he will accept you the way you are. Well you can get cosmetic and plastic surgery. But if he dumps you have nothing left to blame but your personality! Now I think that is a worse feeling. Just ask the beautiful celebrities who have lots of money and lots of heartbreaks.

6. ORGANIC FOOD: To EAT OR NOT TO EAT. Why do these perfect food eating creatures preach to us about the wonders of organic food and then come down with life altering diseases like "Autoimmune disorders" "Cancer" and "Heart disease" or "Extreme Anemia". I love food in all shapes and sizes but I seriously wonder why these health nuts come down with diseases that most fast food eating cholesterol ridden diabetic inspiring people don't have! Don't even get me started on GMO this and GMO that! Why does a company (you know the M word) create a Genetically Modified Organism or whatever and then the FDA doesn't mind people eating this food?
I don't know what to eat anymore!!!

7. GERMS: I have news for you. We have bodies that antibodies and immunity cells that fight off most infections and illnesses even before it has begun to enter our bloodstream. We are often exposed to germs every day on a minute to minute basis and SOME BACTERIA IS GOOD FOR US. Some bacteria eat the bad bacteria. But you are busy Lysoling this and Hand Sanitizing that....
and you are constantly cleaning this and cleaning that.Welcome to the world where our bodies took thousands of years to hone us and now we can endure germs and fight them off most effectively and it is all done without needing any help from you!

8. MEN and their Sicko Fantasies: Do not pass it off as normal when it is not! Don't explain it away like "you know it is just his fantasies". I don't imagine choking my partner to death or adding the word death in any lovemaking I do. Don't pretend that sh*T is not sick and that he might not be a slightly dangerous individual with deep repressed issues against women. Don't show us these sicko porn movies and expect us to "like it and want to try it". This is the biggest brainwash if I ever saw one. You men who watch this crazy BS know what I am talking about! This is the biggest conspiracy in the modern age and it makes me want to shave my hair and wear long church dresses. I know men must look at teenagers and call hotlines like "I am only eighteen" but really....Some men will agree that this is the extension of sicko-ism. If you are a man in your 40's plus it is not really normal to go lusting after some youngins who barely just graduated high school. Leave them alone so they can go off and marry cute young athletic guys and you stick to your were young once too! Perverts!

9. THE ILLUMINATI: yahwnnns......Okay so the entertainment world is the chosen ones and they all must become Free Masons and join the Order of the Illuminati. Then the Free Masons are blamed for being Satanic...and then the Illuminati is Egyptian Magic Oriented....and well they sound like an interesting bunch if this is all true. Much more interesting then you will ever be.

10. LESBIANISM Curiosity: OMG I kissed a girl and I liked it. But I am not a lesbian. Then the lesbians hate the bi curious..."we are not talking to her she is not really a lesbian. She is bisexual" and then the bi's run around explaining they are really bisexual. Women are confused now because men have encouraged women to "explore their hidden tendencies" and now I am confused. Who is the straight woman again? Who is a real lesbian again? Who is really bisexual and not bi curious? What women over 20 has not tried something one time when really really drunk? I don't know anymore.

ONE BONUS CONSPIRACY: Surrogate Mothers! GET The F out of Here! If you can't carry a baby because you are worried about your figure then you should never have a child in the first place! There was a movie about this in the early 1980's or 90's (I forget) called "The Surrogate" and it was a horror movie because she wanted to keep the baby after a family paid her...she flees and runs etc. Everyone was clapping when she kept the baby! Now we are rooting for the Families who pay Surrogates? Does anyone else feel this is immoral? Wrong? I understand some women need to make money but is like paying someone to do your homework for you. Like college work. WRONG. And to read about these gay men outing themselves and wanting children (using one woman as an egg donator, and another as strictly a surrogate)....this is all BS to me! If you don't want a woman in the mix then don't have "real children done by genetic weirdness". Adopt if you must but even that is risky....because only selfish egotistical immature men with no understanding about women or children would want to risk being "genetically altering" parents until they get bored and then what happens to the child? WOMEN HAVE CHILDREN AND THEY ARE MEANT TO KEEP THEM. F surrogate celebrity buyers too! I understand the occasional medical reason....but as for the others...come on!

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