Monday, July 21, 2014

Why are Singers Representatives of Important World Events?

Greetings FU Worldviewers;

Here we have two Singers. 
Our Spokesmen for the USA.
Today I want to talk about...Singers. 

Why are famous singers who write songs like " I want to Bang Bang the Miami Nightclub" suddenly the "GO TO" people for important world events?

 If you notice the career of an average famous singer....(*Lets take Adam Levine as an example*) first they are singers for some great "music groundbreaking band" like...(Maroon 5). Then they are complimented for their "amazing vocal ability" such as singing like...(a Reggae Rasta Guy).  Instead of Maroon 5 being criticized because Adam Levine sounds like an unknown beautiful vocalist who has a SOUL in a Reggae band....he is shot up to FAME and SUCCESS and he gets his very own Star in the World of Fame.

 *If that didn't happen will* I am not saying anything...but is it because of his "decidedly All American Good Looks" and "Non Afrocentric Background"? He is an amazingly...good looking white guy and I bet this has ALOT                                                                      to do with his rising fame to vocal legend status.

So...we take a singer like Adam Levine.....and then he starts TALKING. OMG! He has views? He has opinions! Let's hear more about what he thinks about things! Adam starts sprouting a little known true facts here and there like..."Lady Gaga considers herself a revolutionary artist....because she made the ART POP Album....but she steals from other artists so she is not a true artist." (Okay I paraphrased that line....because I am not motivated to search on the internet for the EXACT line but that is what he basically said). He sprouts a few words of obvious truths....and suddenly he is the GUY! He must be able to talk more! So suddenly Adam Levine is invited to talk shows, view point shows and somehow....someone says "Well Adam Levine Said...." and we are supposed to listen.
When  Adam Levine says "I would vote for him" well that's a done deal!

Americans everywhere are following the words of an American Singer....and we love to ask them questions like... "Do you think Putin is doing everything he can to help the Ukraine stop the Russian Rebels?" and "When do you think America will be ready for a Female President?". Singers everywhere (famous singers that is) get to put their two sense in.....and then.....we ignore the "quiet financial analysts of economic world events...." or the "political scientists who have studied democrats and republican trends for years". We ignore the intelligent, the studied, the expert,  the college professor who wrote an entire thesis on the subject and who might have GOOD opinions on those subjects! Why ask them? Instead let's ask the SINGERS what they think!

If you are like me you will see this trend. Now as we all know...that some singers say interesting things and are very intelligent in their own right or talented singers. However let's identify some famous singers that were asked for their "much solicited" opinions.

We have...Jay Z, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Adam Levine, Rhianna, Shakira, Madonna, (everyone forgot to ask Brittany Spears for some reason), Christina Aguilera, Kanye West, Bruno Mars, Tailor Swift, John Mayer, (laughable opinions)...Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Sometimes...Justin Bieber (but he has no credibility in the opinion arena, no one asks him much anymore), and the list goes on.

You will hear it from time to a political conversation like "Well President Obama met with Singer blah blah blah and they had a great conversation concerning the Global Climate problem".

Really? Wow.....did anything change because of it? I am sure that Singer really changed things and now the President of the United States has an amazingly new perception about our world and global economic problems. Oh Lets' thank the higher forces that be....that this SINGER reached him!

What would we do without Singers? It is so great that they get to share their opinions on everything.

I know that there will be the argument that "they belong to the Illuminati" but whether they do or is still up to the Average American person to discredit it like..."okay so the singer said this...big deal!" Instead of taking it like the spokesmen of America said something!

Friday, July 11, 2014

My Issues about Surrogate Mothers

Greetings Worldviewers:

Here is an ad for Surrogate Mothers:
It says "make 26,000 to 50,000 dollars" etc. Another ad says "make thousands..." but guess what.
They are probably going to pay less then this website. So....if you want to be a surrogate please get top dollar for it. That is the least you can do for yourself.

Today I would like to talk about Surrogate Mothers....Is there anyone in the crowd that is a surrogate mother? Please respond or comment to me WHY if you are! I am really curious about this. In the meantime I will tell you generally how I feel about Surrogate mothers and the PEOPLE who actually use them or pay for them and finance them and why I don't think this is a smart decision.

*Disregard if you have carried a baby for your mother, daughter, sister, brother or someone very close to you in the family or friendship. You are probably special and wonderful*
BUT if you have carried or want to carry for a stranger for financial gain or out of pity...then I think you should read this and reconsider your imminent actions and try to get a different gig.

Why are reputable websites like Mother Facts | LIVESTRONG.COM
talking about surrogate mothers and the controversy that surrounds this issue? The reason is because they want to introduce the idea as something safe and sweet and they want the mothers to be to feel confident in asking for a surrogate without feeling immoral and evil. They also want the surrogate mothers to feel good about receiving the money and getting all the "legal" facts and "carrier" facts before they open their heart, body and soul for business.

Who is going to become a surrogate mother except a young female between the ages of 18-29 and who is going to think this is a good idea? This is obviously meant for down and under females who need money and who need to get a job but cannot for whatever reason. Maybe the female is from another country who is living in the USA or maybe her family is not supportive....whatever the situation you know that it will be someone who is willing to do someone's homework for money...and now they are willing to carry someone's baby for money. I think this is taking advantage of women who really need a way out of a bad or poor financial situation.

The website calls surrogate mothers "Carriers" which sounds real nice in this day and age. I don't want to be called a carrier...and it clearly objectifies her as nothing other than that. Many people who pay for surrogates are usually celebrities who don't have time to be pregnant and or homosexual men and "unfortunate" ladies who cannot conceive or carry children. If you know any other women or men who ask for surrogates (for profit) then please elaborate.

Well...I think that women have been objectified in many ways and just as we are achieving amazing equality...we are also becoming literal property of others who can do what they want with us and do as they please because we need money. Prostitutes, Strippers (not that I have anything against them) Escorts, Models and other women cater to men and women and their image is most important. Surrogate mothers usually do not have the "ideal looks" to be any of these things so they want to have a way to make big money. It is not unusual to hear a celebrity say " well she was young and she was our housekeeper so we figured we would ask her....and she said yes!" Big surprise. The other extremely insulting thing about being a surrogate is that the egg does not come from this mother. It usually comes from another "egg donor" who was paid 20,000 for "genetically pleasing features" and this insults the surrogate mother more! She is not even worthy of her genes to the Surrogate buyers but she is just the nine month, carrier who will experience all the changes and pain in the body while she is pregnant and give while she delivers a child in labor. This is all she is good for in the BUYER's eyes. Let's call them BUYER's because that is what they are. Lastly she has no rights to the baby and will probably never see it again. This does cause depression in many surrogates and they will not realize that this is a dreadful side effect until after they have the baby. The baby will feel a strange closeness to her because in all actuality she is the MOTHER even if she is not the genetic one.

Many mothers say in retrospection and in joking ways " I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it". Or they say "I forgot all about the pain when I looked into his eyes". Women are genetically geared to establish real connections and bonding. Only a mother will understand the true bond because the carrying process bonds a mother for life. It is like a natural initiation and when you feel the baby growing inside know your heartbeat is keeping it alive. You strive to eat right and do everything right because the baby is sleeping inside you and you want the best for your baby.
It is a natural instinct that starts right away and then it grows stronger every month. A mother that sees the baby after it is born to someone else....who they selected as a surrogate will never truly understand the bond in my opinion. It is different from adopting. It is like the mother decided not to lose her figure over this bond, or didn't want to experience any of the "bad" sides and she only wanted the "good sides" to mothering. Guess what? You need both sides to feel close to the baby.
(Again this is not towards family who are helping family members this is mostly about profit surrogates and strangers buying "carriers" like she is a breeding animal or something).

Surrogates and Buyers must have written contracts and legal lawyers or representation to proceed with this process. Many states are still against this and so it is illegal in most states to become a carrier for profit. If a surrogate does not understand the immensity of the situation....I will explain a few things that could go wrong. If the surrogate has a miscarriage....who gets the money then? Does she get paid half for the months she carried or what? If the surrogate decided to drink a glass of wine now and then or secretly smoke a cigarette (secret addiction or something) what happens if the child has addictive tendencies or has alcohol syndrome or something of that nature? Can the surrogate be sued after she gives birth? You see what happens when parents find out their child has "special needs" and how some parents react to that right? Well imagine a surrogate mother and an egg donor mother (if it is not the "real mother) trying to hash that out? A mother is meant to be ONE WOMAN not two or three women. I am not talking about lesbian mothers either. I am talking about one woman is meant to carry and raise the baby. How will all of these legal issues play out in the future?
If a surrogate mother thinks that this "buyer family" cares about her and would never sue her she is sadly mistaken! They don't care about anyone, they don't have ethics or morals and they use people like an object, or trust me...they will not hesitate to take back all the money they "invested" in a surrogate because she is a defective "product" and she messed up on a "service". A surrogate mother is no longer human in the eyes of these buyers! Test tube babies might come out in the future and if that happens they will run to that very happily. So...what is that telling you about them being "fit" parents and all of that.

 If I run into anyone on this BLOG will happens to defend this or a mother who says "I got an egg donor and a surrogate...and what is your point?" I will say right now...that MY POINT IS....some people are not meant to be parents. Sometimes God has a natural selection process and sometimes the level of immaturity takes over the logical conclusion that common sense dictated such as:
Homosexual men cannot have children
Women who are infertile might have to accept it
Women who want to keep their figures instead of giving birth are extremely selfish
People who treat other people like "carriers" and breeders are not meant to have children
because they don't even know how to be humane!

Note: women who are infertile I can sympathize with...and I think adoption is a great option.
Doing the other procedures are fine too (embryo stuff) and maybe having a close family member carry the baby to full term might be the best plan. As long as surrogate mother is not a stranger and can see the baby and be apart of his or her life....this is what I am getting at.

Imagine a grown man or woman tell you..."she is not my mother she was just my surrogate".
What a slap in the face after carrying this baby for nine months! What is that teaching the next generation? That a mother is a mother in name only? For all those people about to comment and attack my view. Save it! You are not fooling me. I am entitled to my rightful opinion.

LiveSTRONG Food and Exercise Tracker

Greetings Worldviewers:

I was searching the internet about Surrogate Mothers when....

I discovered If you are looking for an excellent food and exercise tracker this site is unforgiving and will tell you exactly what you are eating, and what you doing right and what you are doing wrong. Learn the harsh truth about dieting and how hard it is to consume 1,000 calories or less and what you are eating that is helping or hindering you.

It is very exciting to type in serving and see the calories right there!
Then it is even more exciting to type in one egg and one whole wheat bread (toast).
The site is so organized that all the most common whole wheat breads pop up and you get to choose which brand you ate! If you want an unrelenting website this is it!

After you type in your meals, your snacks and your dinner you see how much you really consumed for the day! Now of course you might start to feel bad after you realize that you shouldn't of eaten that cookie or drank the extra soda can. However this is a snapshot of the honest truth and it is up to YOU to exhibit integrity on this website. You can also exercise and it will tell you how much you burned and so this shows you why you should run or walk or exercise!

I was very impressed with this website....and while you might want to cry after you see how much you have consumed for the is deadly honest and you should pay attention to what you are eating. If you are overweight now is the time to find out why! Use this website and be happy that I had the audacity to try it and give this FOUR STAR reviews!

Here is the Link: (also check my links page)

Axelle Despiegelaere was Axed

A 17 year old Belgium woman emerges onto the scene at the World Cup and is suddenly recognized as a "real beauty" by the media. She is photographed supporting the Red Devils and she is a dream and a beautiful sight to behold. With her long flowing blond hair and pretty and classic face she is the epitome of...well...something.

I don't see the amazingness in her....but Loreal did! Suddenly she was signed for a contract to be the new face of Loreal and represent their company in the good ol' spirit of "what? the world cup?" Everyone ignored the BAD OMEN waiting to happen and they did not realize that the "She Devil" supports the "Real Devil".

Axelle Despiegelaere was axed by Loreal because she posted a facebook picture a year ago of her hunting a beautiful African animal that looks like a huge African Deer or Antelope type creature. It shows her clearly smiling and she is standing over this dead animal and she is very happy because she killed this animal. All hunters have a satisfied look after the chase and the kill and she was no exception. The sad thing that killed her chances with Loreal? She wrote as a caption something about her hunt and then she added "next....hunting Americans ha ha". That is funny and she is clearly spirited. However no one likes that! I am American and I find it funny but....guess what? That is what Loreal and the rest of world get for judging her as a person of high character based on Face Value!

 She is very pretty and I totally understand why everyone wanted her to be the new "It" girl. However she never said she was "innocent" or "demure" and yet we assumed she would be. This woman has a fighting and murderous spirit lol....but no one wants to see that! What is it nowadays with these beautiful girls going to Africa just to hunt animals such as Antelopes, whatever that creature she hunted was, Elephants, and Lions? They are wild animals but they are exotic animals that most people would love to see in a zoo! You don't kill exotic zoo animals! So now her contract was "Axed" because she was declared too controversial and she did not appeal to the women who brought it to Loreal's Attention on Twitter of all things...some woman who sent the picture directly to Loreal's website! I personally think killing African animals is atrocious. I would never do it. I also think that killing these amazing animals is a low down dirty thing to do to gain "power" and a murderous (see I know how to kill something) attitude. Most hunters who hunt have an unstable kind of self esteem that needs to kill to feed their fragile egos and feel strong and powerful. I am not talking about "necessary hunters who kill to eat or for food" I am talking about the"glory hounds" who hunt sheerly for the pleasure of it. Sometimes you just got to kill something and it feels so good...Just ask her right? I think this is truly tasteless and it shows you that she is a not a nice person.

But...what did we as Americans learn from this experience? Do not judge a book by its cover. She wrote things that were against Americans, referring to hunting the A beautiful lady can also become a terrorist. I am not saying she is one....but lessons learned Loreal and World Cup. Do you think they learned their lesson? No...but is a worth a try. As for her being Axed into supposedly "unfame" again....well I wonder if Calvin Klein won't pick her up or some other "edgier" fashion company. This happens a lot you know. If no one does well....She might as well hang out with Delevigne and I am happy she is not a model because her name is way to hard to say!

Books on the Edge of Extinction: Hide Your Books Now!

If you haven't noticed...books are on the brink of extinction. You might avidly turn your page and laugh at me for my silly thoughts but...what about our Next Generation?

I love books and I love reading. However lately I always say..."I would love to read that book if only I had more time..." and the book ends up collecting dust on my nightstand.

If you have noticed this you too are not alone! This society has changed. Instead of reading books like the Encyclopedia...we run to the internet and research websites like Wikipedia.

We gather information using iPhones, iPads, and other Tablets and Androids...and then where does that leave us? Without books! Sure...there are people who do read books. But really? Who are they? College students? Professors? Old people? Retired people? Teachers? who else reads books?

This generation has nothing to worry about. We still love books and can cozy up sometimes and read a book while drinking a nice cup of hot herbal tea or organic coffee. But what about the NEXT generation? What do they do? Most students run around and the teenagers of this time....never seem to have any time to learn at all....nevertheless read books! We are living in an internet world....
and a computer and technology world filled with eBooks, Facebook, and "Book Place" but they are not real books. I say....hold your books close and store them in the attic or something to keep them safe and sound. Leave notes in your will of who gets the books or split them up.
Keep your books and pass them down from generation to generation....and explain to your children and grandchildren why we must love books and continue to read them!

Hurry before they go the year 2050 there will not be a single book in sight!
(well maybe except the Bible so there will still be ONE book around I suppose).

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Most Despicable News Story: Georgia Man Leaving Child to Die in Car!

Read ABC news Article: Georgia Man Charged with Murder after leaving baby in car

I am sure everyone has read about this already! The horrible news article concerning the Georgia Man from Home Depot who went to work....and "accidentally left his 22 month old son in the car" for over seven hours? Well if you haven't read is a very sad story.

When I first read it I thought...OMG how does someone forget their child? Then I read how other parents live their lifelong regretful mistake...and how they must feel terrible for leaving their child in a car during a hot day (because most of these children died after only one half hour) imagine such a forgetful day and obviously this is a very heartbreaking situation.

But then....more news came out....and this man has been investigated and has very damning evidence against him! According to the police detectives...he was looking on the internet a few weeks prior about subjects such as "how long it takes an animal and a child to die in a car" on a hot day.
Then he has more evidence against him because the day of the child's death...(or possible murder) he was looking at the internet and exchanging "sexual nudity" pictures to girls on the internet! It shows that he has a very careless attitude about his wife and he is not the perfect "family man" he portrayed himself as when he "supposedly discovered" the baby in the car. The last damning evidence is that he went to a fast food restaurant in the morning with the child and they ate together. Then he drove only a few miles...(like 2.2 miles?) and forgot to put the child in daycare that day.

This story is so horrible and it is getting worse! Now they are putting his wife on the stand too because she also searched on the internet the same thing. She had no real emotions that were detected during her interview with the detectives and she seemed to know more than she let on to.
Who does this!!! If the world is not F'ed up enough then this proves there is something very wrong with people today. If the child was a "special needs" child....that is no excuse to "euthanize" them or pawn them off to the next world. In this society it is still Murder and called Infanticide!

There is a sickening trend with certain parents that cannot handle "being parents" like it is the child's fault for coming into the world. This is horrible and atrocious! Even in 2014!

Note: He is not from Georgia so please don't judge Georgia Men. He is from Alabama. Secondly he was a manager at Home Depot but he is the exception to the rule. Home Depot usually has nice employees and I love that store. He gives a very bad reputation to Georgia and Home Depot!
So don't judge the State or the Store please. It is not like this usually.

Read ABC News Article: Georgia man leaves baby in car

US Navy Saves Family Stranded On Sailboat!

Have you ever heard of the names Eric and Charlotte Kaufman?

Well if you go on Yahoo News you will!

Let's wonder why they are getting such national attention...

If you haven't heard of them you will soon. A major controversy was stirred. It was because they decided to take their 36 foot long sailboat out on a WORLD CRUISE....from Mexico to New Zealand and they never made it past 900 miles. Then they needed to be rescued  and none other than the US NAVY ship USS Vanderbilt had to rescue them because they were stranded. As if this is not bad enough....they had a one year old daughter named Cora and a three year old daughter named Lyra. Lyra was very sick because she had Salmonella....and so they got stranded near Mexico....and then their Satellite phone stopped working too! So poor little Lyra almost died during this trip, but thankfully they were saved after three days when the Navy ship located them and pulled them to safety.

1. This story is hilarious! Why? Because it shows the morals and ethics of Rich, Entitled Adventurous Parents in California....who are proud of themselves because they live an "Alternative Lifestyle" by living inside their Sailboat and being "very experienced Sailors".

2. This story is dreadful! Why? Because they included their children in this crazy voyage and to make it worse? Some reader investigated Mrs. Charlotte and found out that she has written in her BLOG that the children were on 3 forms of Antibiotics and they had upper respiratory bacteria infections NINE days prior to going on this Voyage!!! The mother had Anemia....and "high level of Salmonella" in her blood too. I think this is the TIP of the ICEBERG with them! It must be the food they are feeding their children because it is not a coincidence when the mother, and the children all have infections and Salmonella in their blood. What else is this Family doing that is crazy?
Remember they do live in California can be extreme. Maybe it is the Fish they are eating?
Something is dreadfully going wrong with this supposed upscale family.

3. This story is sympathizing. Can you imagine the poor navy sailors on that ship minding their business and going about their day when they hear...."This is not a drill". lol! You don't know this but operations like this keep everyone and all the crew awake for hours and hours until it is resolved. If this took three days to rescue them there are many sleepy eyed sailors who are NOT very happy with this family near the Mexico area and who the USS Vanderbilt had to save!

4. Lastly...this story is outrageous. Why? Because what kind of family decides to take two little toddlers on a world voyage by a Sailboat and hope for the best? It would be daring and cool if it was just the husband and wife....but having these kids on the boat ruined the story! They wanted to be triumphant and awesome and do something great....but it was an EPIC FAIL. lol.
Now over 6,000 comments alone are saying they are unfit parents and they put their children in undo risk and danger. I think if you read this article you will draw your own conclusions.

MY Opinion? Well I wasn't so against their BS voyage until I read that the children and the mother were very sick nine days prior to their voyage and that thinking that "packing their antibiotics" was going to be okay. I think she is feeding her children something toxic and awful by mistake and it is due to their supposed "alternative sailor lifestyle". In reality it seems that they are living a fantasy of some kind and they are accidentally killing their children with bad food, (fishing in bacteria ridden waters or something strange as an example) or eating plants and nuts...(she is anemic) and something very anti-normal and is risking her life and theirs because of it.

On top of it? They want to sue the Satellite company for their phone going out, or not getting some signal or whatever and they plan to "pay back" some tax payer dollars...(they say) and buy a bigger more newer sailboat and do this trip again in the future....because their current boat was "heavily damaged during their stranded time"....