Friday, July 11, 2014

My Issues about Surrogate Mothers

Greetings Worldviewers:

Here is an ad for Surrogate Mothers:
It says "make 26,000 to 50,000 dollars" etc. Another ad says "make thousands..." but guess what.
They are probably going to pay less then this website. So....if you want to be a surrogate please get top dollar for it. That is the least you can do for yourself.

Today I would like to talk about Surrogate Mothers....Is there anyone in the crowd that is a surrogate mother? Please respond or comment to me WHY if you are! I am really curious about this. In the meantime I will tell you generally how I feel about Surrogate mothers and the PEOPLE who actually use them or pay for them and finance them and why I don't think this is a smart decision.

*Disregard if you have carried a baby for your mother, daughter, sister, brother or someone very close to you in the family or friendship. You are probably special and wonderful*
BUT if you have carried or want to carry for a stranger for financial gain or out of pity...then I think you should read this and reconsider your imminent actions and try to get a different gig.

Why are reputable websites like Mother Facts | LIVESTRONG.COM
talking about surrogate mothers and the controversy that surrounds this issue? The reason is because they want to introduce the idea as something safe and sweet and they want the mothers to be to feel confident in asking for a surrogate without feeling immoral and evil. They also want the surrogate mothers to feel good about receiving the money and getting all the "legal" facts and "carrier" facts before they open their heart, body and soul for business.

Who is going to become a surrogate mother except a young female between the ages of 18-29 and who is going to think this is a good idea? This is obviously meant for down and under females who need money and who need to get a job but cannot for whatever reason. Maybe the female is from another country who is living in the USA or maybe her family is not supportive....whatever the situation you know that it will be someone who is willing to do someone's homework for money...and now they are willing to carry someone's baby for money. I think this is taking advantage of women who really need a way out of a bad or poor financial situation.

The website calls surrogate mothers "Carriers" which sounds real nice in this day and age. I don't want to be called a carrier...and it clearly objectifies her as nothing other than that. Many people who pay for surrogates are usually celebrities who don't have time to be pregnant and or homosexual men and "unfortunate" ladies who cannot conceive or carry children. If you know any other women or men who ask for surrogates (for profit) then please elaborate.

Well...I think that women have been objectified in many ways and just as we are achieving amazing equality...we are also becoming literal property of others who can do what they want with us and do as they please because we need money. Prostitutes, Strippers (not that I have anything against them) Escorts, Models and other women cater to men and women and their image is most important. Surrogate mothers usually do not have the "ideal looks" to be any of these things so they want to have a way to make big money. It is not unusual to hear a celebrity say " well she was young and she was our housekeeper so we figured we would ask her....and she said yes!" Big surprise. The other extremely insulting thing about being a surrogate is that the egg does not come from this mother. It usually comes from another "egg donor" who was paid 20,000 for "genetically pleasing features" and this insults the surrogate mother more! She is not even worthy of her genes to the Surrogate buyers but she is just the nine month, carrier who will experience all the changes and pain in the body while she is pregnant and give while she delivers a child in labor. This is all she is good for in the BUYER's eyes. Let's call them BUYER's because that is what they are. Lastly she has no rights to the baby and will probably never see it again. This does cause depression in many surrogates and they will not realize that this is a dreadful side effect until after they have the baby. The baby will feel a strange closeness to her because in all actuality she is the MOTHER even if she is not the genetic one.

Many mothers say in retrospection and in joking ways " I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it". Or they say "I forgot all about the pain when I looked into his eyes". Women are genetically geared to establish real connections and bonding. Only a mother will understand the true bond because the carrying process bonds a mother for life. It is like a natural initiation and when you feel the baby growing inside know your heartbeat is keeping it alive. You strive to eat right and do everything right because the baby is sleeping inside you and you want the best for your baby.
It is a natural instinct that starts right away and then it grows stronger every month. A mother that sees the baby after it is born to someone else....who they selected as a surrogate will never truly understand the bond in my opinion. It is different from adopting. It is like the mother decided not to lose her figure over this bond, or didn't want to experience any of the "bad" sides and she only wanted the "good sides" to mothering. Guess what? You need both sides to feel close to the baby.
(Again this is not towards family who are helping family members this is mostly about profit surrogates and strangers buying "carriers" like she is a breeding animal or something).

Surrogates and Buyers must have written contracts and legal lawyers or representation to proceed with this process. Many states are still against this and so it is illegal in most states to become a carrier for profit. If a surrogate does not understand the immensity of the situation....I will explain a few things that could go wrong. If the surrogate has a miscarriage....who gets the money then? Does she get paid half for the months she carried or what? If the surrogate decided to drink a glass of wine now and then or secretly smoke a cigarette (secret addiction or something) what happens if the child has addictive tendencies or has alcohol syndrome or something of that nature? Can the surrogate be sued after she gives birth? You see what happens when parents find out their child has "special needs" and how some parents react to that right? Well imagine a surrogate mother and an egg donor mother (if it is not the "real mother) trying to hash that out? A mother is meant to be ONE WOMAN not two or three women. I am not talking about lesbian mothers either. I am talking about one woman is meant to carry and raise the baby. How will all of these legal issues play out in the future?
If a surrogate mother thinks that this "buyer family" cares about her and would never sue her she is sadly mistaken! They don't care about anyone, they don't have ethics or morals and they use people like an object, or trust me...they will not hesitate to take back all the money they "invested" in a surrogate because she is a defective "product" and she messed up on a "service". A surrogate mother is no longer human in the eyes of these buyers! Test tube babies might come out in the future and if that happens they will run to that very happily. So...what is that telling you about them being "fit" parents and all of that.

 If I run into anyone on this BLOG will happens to defend this or a mother who says "I got an egg donor and a surrogate...and what is your point?" I will say right now...that MY POINT IS....some people are not meant to be parents. Sometimes God has a natural selection process and sometimes the level of immaturity takes over the logical conclusion that common sense dictated such as:
Homosexual men cannot have children
Women who are infertile might have to accept it
Women who want to keep their figures instead of giving birth are extremely selfish
People who treat other people like "carriers" and breeders are not meant to have children
because they don't even know how to be humane!

Note: women who are infertile I can sympathize with...and I think adoption is a great option.
Doing the other procedures are fine too (embryo stuff) and maybe having a close family member carry the baby to full term might be the best plan. As long as surrogate mother is not a stranger and can see the baby and be apart of his or her life....this is what I am getting at.

Imagine a grown man or woman tell you..."she is not my mother she was just my surrogate".
What a slap in the face after carrying this baby for nine months! What is that teaching the next generation? That a mother is a mother in name only? For all those people about to comment and attack my view. Save it! You are not fooling me. I am entitled to my rightful opinion.

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