Thursday, July 10, 2014

Most Despicable News Story: Georgia Man Leaving Child to Die in Car!

Read ABC news Article: Georgia Man Charged with Murder after leaving baby in car

I am sure everyone has read about this already! The horrible news article concerning the Georgia Man from Home Depot who went to work....and "accidentally left his 22 month old son in the car" for over seven hours? Well if you haven't read is a very sad story.

When I first read it I thought...OMG how does someone forget their child? Then I read how other parents live their lifelong regretful mistake...and how they must feel terrible for leaving their child in a car during a hot day (because most of these children died after only one half hour) imagine such a forgetful day and obviously this is a very heartbreaking situation.

But then....more news came out....and this man has been investigated and has very damning evidence against him! According to the police detectives...he was looking on the internet a few weeks prior about subjects such as "how long it takes an animal and a child to die in a car" on a hot day.
Then he has more evidence against him because the day of the child's death...(or possible murder) he was looking at the internet and exchanging "sexual nudity" pictures to girls on the internet! It shows that he has a very careless attitude about his wife and he is not the perfect "family man" he portrayed himself as when he "supposedly discovered" the baby in the car. The last damning evidence is that he went to a fast food restaurant in the morning with the child and they ate together. Then he drove only a few miles...(like 2.2 miles?) and forgot to put the child in daycare that day.

This story is so horrible and it is getting worse! Now they are putting his wife on the stand too because she also searched on the internet the same thing. She had no real emotions that were detected during her interview with the detectives and she seemed to know more than she let on to.
Who does this!!! If the world is not F'ed up enough then this proves there is something very wrong with people today. If the child was a "special needs" child....that is no excuse to "euthanize" them or pawn them off to the next world. In this society it is still Murder and called Infanticide!

There is a sickening trend with certain parents that cannot handle "being parents" like it is the child's fault for coming into the world. This is horrible and atrocious! Even in 2014!

Note: He is not from Georgia so please don't judge Georgia Men. He is from Alabama. Secondly he was a manager at Home Depot but he is the exception to the rule. Home Depot usually has nice employees and I love that store. He gives a very bad reputation to Georgia and Home Depot!
So don't judge the State or the Store please. It is not like this usually.

Read ABC News Article: Georgia man leaves baby in car

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