Monday, July 21, 2014

Why are Singers Representatives of Important World Events?

Greetings FU Worldviewers;

Here we have two Singers. 
Our Spokesmen for the USA.
Today I want to talk about...Singers. 

Why are famous singers who write songs like " I want to Bang Bang the Miami Nightclub" suddenly the "GO TO" people for important world events?

 If you notice the career of an average famous singer....(*Lets take Adam Levine as an example*) first they are singers for some great "music groundbreaking band" like...(Maroon 5). Then they are complimented for their "amazing vocal ability" such as singing like...(a Reggae Rasta Guy).  Instead of Maroon 5 being criticized because Adam Levine sounds like an unknown beautiful vocalist who has a SOUL in a Reggae band....he is shot up to FAME and SUCCESS and he gets his very own Star in the World of Fame.

 *If that didn't happen will* I am not saying anything...but is it because of his "decidedly All American Good Looks" and "Non Afrocentric Background"? He is an amazingly...good looking white guy and I bet this has ALOT                                                                      to do with his rising fame to vocal legend status.

So...we take a singer like Adam Levine.....and then he starts TALKING. OMG! He has views? He has opinions! Let's hear more about what he thinks about things! Adam starts sprouting a little known true facts here and there like..."Lady Gaga considers herself a revolutionary artist....because she made the ART POP Album....but she steals from other artists so she is not a true artist." (Okay I paraphrased that line....because I am not motivated to search on the internet for the EXACT line but that is what he basically said). He sprouts a few words of obvious truths....and suddenly he is the GUY! He must be able to talk more! So suddenly Adam Levine is invited to talk shows, view point shows and somehow....someone says "Well Adam Levine Said...." and we are supposed to listen.
When  Adam Levine says "I would vote for him" well that's a done deal!

Americans everywhere are following the words of an American Singer....and we love to ask them questions like... "Do you think Putin is doing everything he can to help the Ukraine stop the Russian Rebels?" and "When do you think America will be ready for a Female President?". Singers everywhere (famous singers that is) get to put their two sense in.....and then.....we ignore the "quiet financial analysts of economic world events...." or the "political scientists who have studied democrats and republican trends for years". We ignore the intelligent, the studied, the expert,  the college professor who wrote an entire thesis on the subject and who might have GOOD opinions on those subjects! Why ask them? Instead let's ask the SINGERS what they think!

If you are like me you will see this trend. Now as we all know...that some singers say interesting things and are very intelligent in their own right or talented singers. However let's identify some famous singers that were asked for their "much solicited" opinions.

We have...Jay Z, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Adam Levine, Rhianna, Shakira, Madonna, (everyone forgot to ask Brittany Spears for some reason), Christina Aguilera, Kanye West, Bruno Mars, Tailor Swift, John Mayer, (laughable opinions)...Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Sometimes...Justin Bieber (but he has no credibility in the opinion arena, no one asks him much anymore), and the list goes on.

You will hear it from time to a political conversation like "Well President Obama met with Singer blah blah blah and they had a great conversation concerning the Global Climate problem".

Really? Wow.....did anything change because of it? I am sure that Singer really changed things and now the President of the United States has an amazingly new perception about our world and global economic problems. Oh Lets' thank the higher forces that be....that this SINGER reached him!

What would we do without Singers? It is so great that they get to share their opinions on everything.

I know that there will be the argument that "they belong to the Illuminati" but whether they do or is still up to the Average American person to discredit it like..."okay so the singer said this...big deal!" Instead of taking it like the spokesmen of America said something!

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